Here's a bird who's mother was smart enough to build a nest OUTSIDE. I think there are 3 in the nest, but they usually hide when I come out so I had to snap this one quick!!
Had a good Sunday. Went to church which was really weird without the girls there. Pastor Robert is on vacation which is a bummer, but church was still great as usual!!
After church I went to meet John to go to the mall. The mall was a wasted trip because the store he needed has closed down. So, we headed out to lunch. I didn't know what I was in the mood for but I was getting REALLY HUNGRY. Then John suggested Planet Burrito and it sounded good. OMG IT WAS HEAVENLY!!! It was one yummy burrito!!
Came home...tried to take a nap since I had a headache, but it didn't happen. The dogs barking, phone I gave up. I got up and got out the electric trimmers and hacked that stupid pointy bush out front back a TON. Still need t clean it up...but I did feel accomplished afterwards!
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