Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Feb 22-so much mud

I am so sick and tired of mud and really can't wait to see green grass. That is, if it will grow in that mud pit the horses have created!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Here's my new Gps....I love it!!!

Feb 20-very fat cat

Not a very exciting day. Woke up with a stupid migraine that thankfully didn't last very long. Then did laundry and went to Walmart...woo times!!

Alyssa had some friends over tonight but me...I did nothing but cough from this cold....

Feb 17-19

No pics....Had to work extra hours at work and on top of that I have the cold from hell, so if I wasn't at work I was sleeping. I really need to get out and take some pics again, but Allison doesn't really like to be a model, and Alyssa is I guess I won't for awhile...

Friday, February 19, 2010

Feb 16

Couldn't go to my group today since Allison's hot water heater went out so I had to sit around and wait for the plumber. This hasn't been a very productive week at all....

But Olive looks fat and happy...

Feb 14-Valentine's Day!

John got us two edible arrangements for Valentine's Day!! They were way yummy!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Feb 13-coyotes

Saw these two bad boys in the pasture today....they freak me out.

Had a good day, got hay, went to a packed Walmart, then went to church to see Josh Hamilton!! We should have went to the 4 service because he was actually there and we had to watch it taped, but oh was still good.

we were going to go out to eat afterward, but knew everything would be packed so we came back to Decatur got a pizza and some movies. I fell asleep in the middle of the second movie, but I feel crappy and have a cold.

Feb 12 Another Snow day

No work for me and no school for Allison! Stayed home and was lazy all day since I couldn't get out of the driveway.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow Day!!

Tried to go to work today, but it wasn't happening!! Got stuck a few times before I called work and told them I couldn't make it. I did ride Skippy for a bit in the snow, but it was too cold to stay out there for long!!

No work tomorrow either...hopefully it clears up for tomorrow night when I have to pick up Alyssa in Dallas.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Happy Happy Jonas

How can you not love this face??!!!

Crazy cold, but I took them out anyway...only lasted maybe 10 minutes or so but it was FREEZING!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

sick of the rain..

seriously......enough is enough...and now they are saying snow on Thursday...

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Frozen tennis match and too much food

Woke up at 5 am to head north for Allison's tennis match. Had some McDonalds and coffee for a midmorning snack, then had Braum's for lunch.....ugh...I hate eating out!

It was freezing and they were playing teams that were really good, but I was proud of Allison! She did great and I had a good time!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Stupid day...

Woke up with a migraine but didn't think it was that bad....BUT when I drove to work I felt worse and worse and actually barfed in a walmart bag on the way there. Blech. Stayed at work for a half hour and then left. I felt horrible leaving, but I don't think I could have made it all day....

Tried to get a picture this morning of dirty Ivan, but he was hiding...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

rain rain go away...

please stop raining..............

Feb 3

Seriously tired of the cold and the mud. Checked the weather forecast which said cold rain for the next 2 days so I cleaned off the ponies and put their blankets on so they would at least stay partly warm and dry!!

Jan 31-2

No pics....just trying to get back into the swing of things....